String Formatting

1.10. String Formatting#

Often it’s nice to format the information you want to display to the user.

For example, you might use string concatenation.

age = "10"
print("You are " + age + " years old")

However, you will notice that age in the above example is a string. This won’t work the same way if age is an integer.

age = 10
print("You are " + age + " years old")

Remember, you can’t mix and match types!

1.10.1. Using .format()#

We can format strings using .format(). Here is an example:

age = 10
print("You are {} years old".format(age))
  • .format() comes after the last '.

  • The information we want to display goes into the ().

  • {} is a placeholder. The information will be placed where the {} is in the string.


We can format multiple pieces of information! Each piece of information is separated by a , and unpacked into their respective {} placeholders.

name = "Alice"
age = 10
print("Hi {}, you are {} years old".format(name, age))
  • Each piece of information we want to display goes into the ().

  • {} are placeholders. The information will be placed in order where the {}’s are in the string.


We are also able to format floats to a specific number of decimal places. Instead of using an empty {} placeholder, we can use {:.xf} to display the first x decimal places (you can remember .x means ‘x digits after the decimal point’ and the f means that you are formatting a float). For example, {:.2f} will display to 2 decimal places and {:.5f} will display to the first 5 decimal places.

pi = 3.14159265359
print("Pi to 2 decimal places: {:.2f}".format(pi))
print("Pi to 5 decimal places: {:.5f}".format(pi))
print("Pi to 10 decimal places: {:.10f}".format(pi))
Question 1

What do you think the output of the following code will be?

activity = 'programming'
print('I love {}!'.format(activity))
I love programming!

The string stored in the variable activity will fill the placeholder {} to construct the string 'I love programming!'.

Question 2

What do you think the output of the following code will be?

print('{} and {} make twenty'.format('ten', 10))

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Question 3

What do you think the output of the following code will be?

print('1/3 is approximately {:.2f}'.format(1/3))

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Code challenge: Nice to Meet You!

Write a program that reads in a user’s name and prints out

Hello name.
Nice to meet you!

Here are some examples of how your code should run.

Example 1

Enter your name: Jess
Hello Jess.
Nice to meet you!

Example 2

Enter your name: Ali
Hello Ali.
Nice to meet you!


Don’t forget to take note of the punctuation and the capitalisation. You need to match the spelling exactly!


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Code challenge: Round to 2 Decimal Places

Write a program that reads in a number from the user and outputs the number to 2 decimal places.

Here are some examples of how your code should run.

Example 1

Enter a number: 1234.5678
Your number to 2 decimal places is: 1234.57

Example 2

Enter a number: 3.14159
Your number to 2 decimal places is: 3.14

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Code challenge: Seconds in Day

Write a program to calculate the number of seconds in a specified number of days.

Here are some examples of how your code should run.

Example 1

How many days? 1
There are 86400 seconds in 1 days.

Example 2

How many days? 5
There are 432000 seconds in 5 days.


There are 24 hours in 1 day, 60 minutes in 1 hour and 60 seconds in 1 minute. This means there are 24 x 60 x 60 seconds in a day!


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