Window, Document and Elements

1.4. Window, Document and Elements#

The DOM specifies two key objects available in your JavaScript to represent the content on the page. They are the:

  • window

  • document

These objects are globally available to any JavaScript on a page. These objects are managed by the browser’s JavaScript runtime.

Though these objects you can access each element on the page. Let’s take a look at all three objects!

1.4.1. Window Object#

The window object is the global object in the browser that represents the browser window or tab where your webpage is displayed. It provides access to the browser’s features and environment, as well as being the top-level object that contains the document object.

The Window object provides a wide range of properties and methods to:

  • Interact with the browser itself

  • Handle browser-specific features like alerts, prompts, and timers.


  1. location

The location object provides information about the current URL and allows you to redirect or reload the page.

console.log(window.location.href); // Prints the current URL

// Redirect to another page
window.location.href = "";
  1. navigator

The navigator object provides information about the user’s browser and operating system.

console.log(window.navigator.userAgent); // Prints browser details
  1. innerWidth and innerHeight

Get the width and height of the browser window’s viewport.

console.log(`Width: ${window.innerWidth}, Height: ${window.innerHeight}`);

1.4.2. Document Object#

The document object is the entry point to the page contents. It represents the entire HTML document and provides methods and properties to interact with the webpage. Like the window object it is globally available.

From the document object you can:

  • find specific elements on the page

  • read page metadata such as the title and URL

  • add modify and remove elements

  • register as a listen for events on the page


We will look at finding elements in more detail on the following pages!


  1. Getting and setting the document title

console.log(document.title); // Prints the current page title
document.title = "New Title"; // Changes the title
  1. Accessing the body element

console.log(document.body); // Prints the contents of the body element

1.4.3. Elements#

The content of the page is made of individual element objects, arranged in a tree structure. Each page element has its own type but inherits a set of common properties and methods.

For example a <div> element is an instance of HTMLDivElement, which inherits from HTMLElement, which in turn inherits from Element. The chain of inheritance looks like this:

Node → Element → HTMLElement → HTMLDivElement


The Element class provides a range of common properties all elements inherit. These include:

  1. id: Gets or sets the unique id of the element.

const element = document.getElementById("example");
console.log(; // Prints: "example"
  1. className: Gets or sets the class attribute as a string.

element.className = "new-class";
  1. tagName: Returns the tag name of the element in uppercase.

console.log(element.tagName); // Prints: "DIV"